Addiction is a painful disease that can make you feel hopeless and alone. If you want help for your addiction, reach out to the compassionate team at Premier Family Medicine, located in Denver, today. Premier Family Medicine accepts all insurances and offers fair self-pay rates for those who don’t have insurance. To schedule an appointment, call the office or use the online booking tool today.
Addiction is a brain disease that causes you to focus on and compulsively use a substance, even when it causes problems in your professional and personal life.
While you or someone in your life may have chosen to use a substance initially, they did not choose addiction. Like illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, addiction happens as a result of a mixture of factors related to:
Addiction is the disease that results from these factors. It changes the brain chemistry and alters functions related to behavioral control, decision making, judgment, learning, and memory. If you suffer with addiction, even after you’ve come down from your high, you still crave the drug.
Fortunately, addiction, like other chronic diseases, is treatable. In order for treatment to be successful, you must first recognize your disease and want help.
Family and friends often help you reach this point through intervention. You may also realize you need help after hitting “rock bottom” in your relationships or work.
Regardless of how you get there, once you’ve made the brave decision to seek treatment, there are countless resources and professionals out there to support you. Some of the most common forms of addiction treatment include:
Typically these programs involve therapy and/or medication. Medication can help ease you through withdrawal and control drug cravings. We can provide Suboxone therapy/treatment at Premier Family Medicine.
One of the most common ways addiction treatment programs support your recovery is by providing services like individual and group therapy.
With therapy, you can uncover and address what motivates you to make the choices that you do, and you can begin to rebuild your relationship with yourself.
Through therapy, you can learn coping skills, develop better self-esteem, and address any underlying mental health issues, like depression.
If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t be afraid to seek help. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and the team at Premier Family Medicine is ready to help guide you through the dark.
Begin your journey of healing today by booking an appointment for addiction treatment assessment at Premier Family Medicine. Reach out online or over the phone today.
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2283 S Monaco Pkwy 105 Denver, CO 80222